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28.01.2023 - 10:32:39

“"The Living Word of the Book of the Dead"”


"The Living Word of the Book of the Dead"

Т.1; T.2



This work is a continuation of the author's research, outlined in his book "The Creation of Androgynes, What the Bible Hid". It is shown that throughout the history of the development of earthly mankind, true knowledge about who our Creators are, where man came to Earth from, what are the ways of his development and ultimate existence, was transmitted to him. This knowledge was transmitted in the form of three different religions, which corresponded to the level of development of people's consciousness. However, to understand and reveal the true essence of this knowledge is possible only on the basis of the metahistorical method of cognition, since the totality of all processes takes place in other layers of being, which are immersed in other streams of time and types of space. We are separated by tens of thousands of years, vast distances, the level of knowledge and imaginative thinking. For this, it is not enough to have a large stock of historical information; here, insight, contemplation, and comprehension are also needed.

The Egyptian texts also undeniably prove that the origin of mankind on earth is due to the extraterrestrial civilization of the androgynes. They not only correspond to the text of the Genesis Bible, but in many respects supplement and eliminate the distortions and mistakes made by church leaders. This confirms that at certain historical stages in the development of mankind, only the external forms and symbols of religions were modified, but the truth of the very teaching of our Creators remained unchanged.

How could hundreds of gods of the Egyptian pantheon disappear into the darkness of history, before whom even powerful pharaohs bowed their heads? Who were these gods in reality, what was hidden under their masks? Did any part of the teachings of the gods disappear? It turns out no, the teaching itself remained the same and continued to exist, but only at a new stage in the development of people's consciousness, in a new form of religion. And, if the ancient Egyptians worshiped Osiris, then their later descendants exalted Noah. It was the androgyns who laid the foundations of all three religions of earthly humanity, in order to preserve this knowledge for distant descendants for many millennia. The greatest monuments of this time are the three great pyramids of Giza, as the oldest priestly temples for the training, initiation and rituals of the priests.

But why are the texts of the Egyptian Book of the Dead considered obscure and archaic? Only because we approach their understanding from the point of view of ordinary people of antiquity. These texts were written and created for the ancient initiated priests, but after all, this knowledge was transmitted by the androgynes themselves, and they had to use those forms and methods of teaching that were most understandable. However, is it possible to imagine a super-civilization without computer technology, computer programs and simulation of processes, complex control and automation systems, genetic engineering, etc.? Of course not! But how could this be passed on to dedicated priests millennia ago? Therefore, a special caste of castrated priests was created, like biological memory blocks. They did not understand all the subtlety and scientific depth of what was said and shown to them, but they memorized this knowledge and kept it all their lives.

Our human civilization is the second, more perfect, generation of people. Its development began with the arrival of the androgynous spaceship 60-70 thousand years ago. The first generation was completely destroyed. It degenerated, their bodies and brains began to mutate. This was the reason for the arrival of androgynes to our Earth and the creation of a man as a carrier of new sperm. By impregnating earthly women who were still able to give birth to healthy children, androgynes revived the new generation of people that we are. It can be stated that man is an artificial creature, but his biological structure of the body and brain are not stable. Why, then, was it necessary to create man and populate our Earth with these primitive creatures? The Egyptian texts make us aware of our place in the androgynous hierarchy.


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