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14.04.2020 - 10:23:58


Who will be after the human? What is the essence of technological singularity, will civilization overcome it? What is the logic and the direction of all planetary evolution? What is the uniqueness of the noosphere? What is the role of artificial intelligence in large-scale transformations of the future? Do we live in a matrix? How to carry out the process of studying the future? To answer all these questions, Eduard Vitol proposes a philosophical and theoretical system called "evolutionary futurology." Where research of the future is based on evolutionary methodology.

 «Evolutionary futuorology: megatrends of planetary development».

The book is intended for scientists, analysts, philosophers and futurologists, as well as for a wide circle of readers interested in the problems of the long-term prospects of civilization, the laws of the formation of the technosphere, the peculiarity of the noosphere and planetary evolution as a whole. Here are the general moments of the formation of evolutionary futurology and the main research methodology for the ultra-distant future, based on the evolutionary paradigm.

 Evolutionary futurology (EF) is a nascent direction of cognition that is descriptive in nature yet. Within its framework, attempts are made to structure previously put forward ideas and bring them into a single concept, the ultimate goal of which will be to update the picture of the earthly world, including a very distant future. EF arises at the intersection of different areas - futurology itself (forecasting, future research), evolutionism and globalism. Among the planetary phenomena that fall into the zone of active study, one can note such predicted phenomena as the emergence of artificial intelligence and technological singularity. In a broad sense, EF should consider the entire planetary evolution - from the moment of its occurrence to the transition to a different state - in the unity of all spatio-temporal parameters, taking into account the co-evolutionary interaction of various large-scale formations (geosphere, biosphere, anthroposphere, technosphere and noosphere), and their inextricable genetic link. At the same time, one should not confine oneself only to terrestrial matter in the aggregate of different-quality forms, as our planet is an open system, developing inside a stream of cos mic energies penetrating it. Outer space is not only the place of origin of the Earth, but also that zone of the universe where evolution will rush to, reaching its peak phase. It is the evolutionary perspective of considering the future that will allow us to logically connect history (past), present and unusual manifestations of reality that will dominate in the distant millennia. It will open the contours of a wonderful world located at a considerable time distance from us.


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