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26.07.2019 - 06:24:53

“The Truth”

The truth


Why a German journalist thinks he can teach a Chinese journalist how to think?

Why can a billion whites think they know better – and teach that to the rest of the world, and teach it how to live?

Why (and in what sense) they are better than a billion Chinese? Just because their two or three parties managed to better brainwash their populace than one Chinese party? Just because an unsatisfied mind is much easier locked up by a multi-party system?

Well, a few doctors are always better than one. Especially if they intend to finish off their patient.

Why the white kind of democracy can prove it is better than any non-white?

Is it really because the white journalists say so?

Sure, they are well paid – why shouldn’t they do their job? But we are not paid to believe them, are we? Even when they show us a mountain of black corpses – of people murdered for the same purpose - by intentional policies of those who really rule the world.

Don’t we know who rules it?

And that says it all.

I mean, it all comes down to the old routine of nukes, tanks and aircraft carriers – and down-to-earth dirty rotten racism (since you are sure to become rotten when you really mean to rot).

Without which the Great Western Democracy could be neither Great nor a Democracy – since who would care about a democracy with no tanks or fighter jets to beat you up and make you feel who is right? It would be just a Western democracy in a plain and historical sense.

A Western one.

Which might be  nice to watch – if you are not dragged into it.


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